When planning for your new home, one feature that usually comes to mind are the lighting fixtures. It’s easy to spend hours scouring books and the web for inspiration. While the finishes and style of your lights are very important, something else to consider is the size of your lighting fixtures. You want your lighting choices to enhance the room not overshadow it or be overpowered by it. Below are two simple tips that will help you determine how to choose the correct size lights for your home. This will ensure your choices will not only beautifully complement the style of your home but also best serve the area they are in.Diameter To determine the diameter of a light fixture that’s best for your space: First, measure the length and width of the room in feet. Then, add the two lengths together. Next, you will swap that value in feet for inches (for example, 20 feet would become 20 inches). This is the ideal diameter for a light fixture in that room.Height To determine the height of a light fixture that’s best for your space: Start by measuring the height of the room (floor to ceiling) in feet. Next, multiply the height by 2.5 to 3 per foot. Just like you did above, you will once again swap that value for inches. This is the ideal height for a light fixture in that room.-Written by our Building Coordinator, Suzanah Hajrula